Strategic Mental Health & Wellness Solution
When you need assessment services
We provide assessment services
When you need counseling services
We provide counseling services
Coaching & Training
When you need coaching & training
We provide coaching & training
when you need forensic services
We provide forensic services
Strategic Mental Health & Wellness Solution
Problems may easily come and go throughout your life, involving yourself, your loved ones, or other people around you. Those problems may disturb and affect your normal daily activities. Then, you may need professional help in solving your problems.
Dra. A. Kasandra Putranto.,
Clinical Forensic Psychologist
graduated from University of Indonesia, with 33 years of experience in Clinical Psychology, 23 years of experience in Forensic Psychology, founder of Attitude Achievement for Titanium Generation, proven public speaking skills, and Cognitive Behavior & Behavior Activation approach, mostly handling anxiety, depression & mood disorders, addictions, personality disorders, eating disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, teenage-family-marriage problems, and forensic psychology services.
Widiawati Bayu, S.Psi.,
Clinical Psychologist
graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University. Expertise : Pre-marital, marriage and family counseling skills; clinician for adult problems, also in trauma healing and personality development.
Amanda Margia Wiranata, S.Psi., M.Si.,
Clinical Psychologist
graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University (Bachelor degree) and University of Indonesia (Master degree), certified play therapist, supervisor trainee of play therapy, Member of Play Therapy International, Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy, Perkumpulan Terapi Bermain Indonesia Reg. No. 201400407.
A comprehensive online Psychology Counseling Services (web-based and mobile apps) with more than 200+ licensed professional psychologist partner throughout Indonesia

A character development movement to build Titanium Generation with Resilient Social Emotional Skills and Professional Mental Attitude
A special program in connecting millenials, building partnership, embracing diversity, and empowering social welfare for young enterpreneurs in Indonesia