Please Read Our

Term Of Payment

All payments shall be made in bank transfer to PT Kasandra Persona Prawacana

For Individual and Online counseling services :

  • Bank Central Asia (BCA) Account no: 679.031.008.8 (individual)
  • Bank Mandiri Account no : 127.000.631.955.0 (individual)

For Corporate services :

  • Bank Central Asia (BCA) Account no: 679.031.377.0 (Corporate)

For Corporate services, payment shall be made with

  • 40 % upon letter of assignment as Down Payment
  • 60 % upon finalization of assignment, maximum 3 days after all reports submitted and services delivered.

Additional 10% PPN (Value Added Tax) and 2% PPh (Income Tax) charges are applicable on Corporate Services

Transfer receipt must be sent to our office or email to : kasandraassociates@gmail.com

Tax Payment Arrangements :

  • Psychological Practice will issue “Faktur Pajak” and pay PPN charge.
  • PPN and Invoice will be sent to company.
  • Company shall issue “Bukti Potong Pajak ps. 23” and pay PPh 23 charge.
  • PPh receipt must be sent to our office